Paramotors XContest 2024

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Number of pilots in contest: 880

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score registered info
601 Sébastien RODEIA [viveleseb1] FR FLAG France 0 10.05.24 20:52 pilot details
602 Pascal CAILLY [Airflyparamoteur] FR FLAG France 12 10.05.24 22:06 pilot details
603 Tomáš Válek [tomval] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 33 11.05.24 10:09 pilot details
604 Cristian Boiria [CristianBoiria] CT FLAG Catalunya 0 11.05.24 14:43 pilot details
605 kazem gholipour [kazemmaorer] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 3 11.05.24 16:00 pilot details
606 Guillaume Bonte [GuillaumeB] BE FLAG Belgium 9 11.05.24 16:23 pilot details
607 Thiraphond Sukphawut [Tniraphong] TH FLAG Thailand 0 12.05.24 04:55 pilot details
608 Otto Ineichen [Otto81] CH FLAG Switzerland 7 12.05.24 07:44 pilot details
609 Cailly Mathéo [Mat18.] FR FLAG France 13 12.05.24 11:31 pilot details
610 lucas duburcq [lucass62] FR FLAG France 5 12.05.24 17:15 pilot details
611 Katrine Kazimiraite [Strodinsh] LV FLAG Latvia 0 12.05.24 18:15 pilot details
612 Lukas Kolacek [justCOOKY] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 2 13.05.24 07:14 pilot details
613 Janis Balodis [JanisBalodis] LV FLAG Latvia 0 13.05.24 07:42 pilot details
614 Andris Paze [AndrisP] LV FLAG Latvia 7 13.05.24 17:32 pilot details
615 Vladimír Proček [pilotVrana] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 13 13.05.24 20:51 pilot details
616 Joni Mänty [Jonimanty] FI FLAG Finland 5 13.05.24 22:58 pilot details
617 Alexandre Bollingh [Pims] BE FLAG Belgium 0 14.05.24 09:41 pilot details
618 Piotr Cwudziński [skytrekking] PL FLAG Poland 0 14.05.24 18:19 pilot details
619 Miguel Angel gomez sanchez gomez sanchez [verato] ES FLAG Spain 0 15.05.24 14:36 pilot details
620 Jean-Claude Oise [JC-Paramoteur] FR FLAG France 1 15.05.24 20:30 pilot details
621 Mark Macdonald [Brick] NZ FLAG New Zealand 1 16.05.24 07:09 pilot details
622 Jakub Marsalek [KubaM] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 16.05.24 07:57 pilot details
623 Edgars Lankovskis [cukurins] LV FLAG Latvia 3 16.05.24 19:47 pilot details
624 Mekli Borsa [Borsa] HU FLAG Hungary 0 16.05.24 20:14 pilot details
625 Michal Zubko [MichalZ] SK FLAG Slovakia 13 18.05.24 03:35 pilot details
626 Josep Palou PARAMOTOR BARCELONA [fenix] CT FLAG Catalunya 6 18.05.24 07:59 pilot details
627 Jussi Korpimäki [Jeedeuz] FI FLAG Finland 8 18.05.24 14:28 pilot details
628 Andras Kadar [kadarandras] HU FLAG Hungary 5 18.05.24 19:47 pilot details
629 robson silvestre [robson.cabelo] BR FLAG Brazil 6 18.05.24 22:44 pilot details
630 Piotr Stańczuk [Radio] PL FLAG Poland 15 19.05.24 08:12 pilot details
631 Manuel Schaidreiter [ManuelSchaid] AT FLAG Austria 1 19.05.24 09:50 pilot details
632 Herbert Luethi [Herbiter] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 19.05.24 12:18 pilot details
633 Jan Taras [Jantar] PL FLAG Poland 2 19.05.24 13:59 pilot details
634 Nicolas Boudenez [Nicolas.boudenez] BE FLAG Belgium 13 19.05.24 16:24 pilot details
635 Thiago Magalhães Borges dos Santos [ThiagoMBS] BR FLAG Brazil 1 20.05.24 19:30 pilot details
636 Adam Nowakowski [AdamN] PL FLAG Poland 15 22.05.24 17:15 pilot details
637 vincent lallemant [Lallemant] FR FLAG France 0 23.05.24 05:56 pilot details
638 Peter Rothmann [D-MPRZ] DE FLAG Germany 4 23.05.24 18:12 pilot details
639 Nerijus Vertelka [Nerijus] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 24.05.24 06:04 pilot details
640 Mohammadreza Yazdanpanah [pooyana] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 25.05.24 03:49 pilot details
641 kiribati pilot [kiribati] KI FLAG Kiribati 2 25.05.24 21:16 pilot details
642 Martin Bellgardt [BellAir] DE FLAG Germany 7 26.05.24 06:30 pilot details
643 Miroslav Matejka [MiRO.] SK FLAG Slovakia 4 26.05.24 06:34 pilot details
644 Thibaut LAINE [thibaut.laine] FR FLAG France 2 26.05.24 12:46 pilot details
645 Pavel Bednarcik [Pavelbednarcik] SK FLAG Slovakia 6 26.05.24 17:56 pilot details
646 Jacques HERMAN [jacques.herman] BE FLAG Belgium 1 27.05.24 07:15 pilot details
647 Pietro Zanni [antenna] IT FLAG Italy 3 27.05.24 20:49 pilot details
648 Karol Kruger [karol_pako] PL FLAG Poland 8 30.05.24 07:03 pilot details
649 Laimonas Šimaitis [Laimis123] LT FLAG Lithuania 13 30.05.24 11:07 pilot details
650 Wojciech Klinowski [] PL FLAG Poland 0 30.05.24 21:00 pilot details
