Paramotors XContest 2025

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Number of pilots in contest: 345

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score registered info
51 attino beduschi [attinobeduschi] IT FLAG Italy 3 02.01.25 16:36 pilot details
52 Hugo Santos [Hscom] PT FLAG Portugal 11 02.01.25 16:42 pilot details
53 PANOS GIOTAS [panosgiotas] GR FLAG Greece 2 02.01.25 16:54 pilot details
54 Ralf Tschai Bauer [Tschai] DE FLAG Germany 2 02.01.25 17:33 pilot details
55 Jérôme GOULET [JEJE49] FR FLAG France 0 02.01.25 17:42 pilot details
56 Stevo Marcincak [Stevo212] SK FLAG Slovakia 1 02.01.25 18:39 pilot details
57 Piotr Gutowski [Jeroonimo] PL FLAG Poland 6 02.01.25 20:16 pilot details
58 Jiří Jiroušek [JirJir] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 2 02.01.25 20:48 pilot details
59 Udo Hülscher [udo2910] DE FLAG Germany 0 02.01.25 21:19 pilot details
60 Dr. PPG [drppg] CT FLAG Catalunya 0 02.01.25 21:54 pilot details
61 J Hobbs [jhobbs] GB FLAG United Kingdom 0 03.01.25 03:41 pilot details
62 Harpreet Singh [Harpreet] IN FLAG India 59 03.01.25 06:12 pilot details
63 Zdeněk Mašek [ZMasoun] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 03.01.25 10:43 pilot details
64 peyman mohammad pour [peyman.ahwaz] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 29 03.01.25 11:07 pilot details
65 J Glasson [ParaAus] AU FLAG Australia 0 03.01.25 11:20 pilot details
66 kevin moore [kev24865] GB FLAG United Kingdom 0 03.01.25 12:41 pilot details
67 Brian Sludds [WexicanPPG] IE FLAG Ireland 6 03.01.25 13:19 pilot details
68 Ivo Meluzín [zule] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 03.01.25 13:26 pilot details
69 Pascal PENOT [Poulet37] FR FLAG France 4 03.01.25 16:34 pilot details
70 Marcin Olszewski [Lokietek] PL FLAG Poland 1 03.01.25 20:06 pilot details
71 Sukhdev Dhurve [Sukhdevpilot] IN FLAG India 30 04.01.25 03:53 pilot details
72 Nick Garner [HowDareYou] US FLAG United States 15 04.01.25 05:44 pilot details
73 Pavel Cachovan [palitko74] SK FLAG Slovakia 3 04.01.25 07:45 pilot details
74 Otto Ineichen [Otto81] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 04.01.25 08:40 pilot details
75 Yves-michel AUDRAN [Mimich] FR FLAG France 13 04.01.25 09:30 pilot details
76 Václav Vinklárek [VacVin] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 8 04.01.25 09:42 pilot details
77 Tobias Ekfors [tobekf] FI FLAG Finland 0 04.01.25 10:40 pilot details
78 Narendra Y [narenpilot] IN FLAG India 73 04.01.25 11:18 pilot details
79 Dan Re [Lodgy] DE FLAG Germany 0 04.01.25 11:18 pilot details
80 Václav Čapek [venda] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 2 04.01.25 12:30 pilot details
81 Daniel Lisboa [daniellisboa] BR FLAG Brazil 7 04.01.25 12:53 pilot details
82 Antonio Ciaschetti [ciasca] IT FLAG Italy 2 04.01.25 13:43 pilot details
83 Julian Lauterfeld [julipegasus] DE FLAG Germany 1 04.01.25 14:39 pilot details
84 LAROYENNE Christophe [Kik88220] FR FLAG France 0 04.01.25 14:49 pilot details
85 Filipe Madeira [Madeirarc] PT FLAG Portugal 3 04.01.25 14:51 pilot details
86 Roland Slamka [Rolo] SK FLAG Slovakia 5 04.01.25 16:27 pilot details
87 gregory lannoy [glannoy] FR FLAG France 1 04.01.25 17:01 pilot details
88 Martin Minařík [Marmin123] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 04.01.25 17:37 pilot details
89 Karel Klíma [Kadeel] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 8 04.01.25 18:56 pilot details
90 eetu rytky [rytke] FI FLAG Finland 0 04.01.25 19:11 pilot details
91 Natalia Nobre dos Reis [NatNobre] BR FLAG Brazil 8 04.01.25 19:51 pilot details
92 Fabiano Alonso [Fabianinho] BR FLAG Brazil 11 04.01.25 22:47 pilot details
93 Tino T. [Effino] DE FLAG Germany 3 04.01.25 23:08 pilot details
94 Marcin Kramarczyk [] PL FLAG Poland 2 05.01.25 06:40 pilot details
95 Mauri Lehtinen [Mauke] FI FLAG Finland 2 05.01.25 09:19 pilot details
96 Carlos Cano [CarlosThor] ES FLAG Spain 3 05.01.25 10:29 pilot details
97 Michael Barker [MBB] GB FLAG United Kingdom 0 05.01.25 11:45 pilot details
98 Petr Kovářík [kovar] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 05.01.25 12:03 pilot details
99 Grzegorz Bartosiewicz [SQ7EQB] PL FLAG Poland 6 05.01.25 13:50 pilot details
100 Maciej Zadrożny [mac_zad] PL FLAG Poland 1 05.01.25 14:32 pilot details
