Paramotors XContest 2025

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Number of pilots in contest: 345

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score registered info
201 Piotr Gontarski [gontarskipiotr] PL FLAG Poland 4 18.01.25 17:40 pilot details
202 Ake Larsson-Snygg [Mehede] SE FLAG Sweden 3 18.01.25 18:29 pilot details
203 JIŘÍ KLEMPIŘÍK [flyJIRI] SK FLAG Slovakia 0 18.01.25 18:51 pilot details
204 Marco Fontaneto [Marco_Fontaneto] IT FLAG Italy 1 18.01.25 20:38 pilot details
205 Keith Owen [Guirivolador] ES FLAG Spain 2 19.01.25 12:26 pilot details
206 Pavel Švihálek [KarelGott] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 1 19.01.25 13:03 pilot details
207 Sylwester Miedzinski [SylwesterMiedzinski] PL FLAG Poland 1 19.01.25 13:36 pilot details
208 Robertas Baciauskas [Robertas74] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 19.01.25 13:38 pilot details
209 Bartłomiej Sikora [bartlomiej.sikora] PL FLAG Poland 1 19.01.25 14:22 pilot details
210 Michał Szałata [Steven35] PL FLAG Poland 1 19.01.25 14:24 pilot details
211 Maris Pilmanis [Maris123] LV FLAG Latvia 1 19.01.25 14:43 pilot details
212 Tilmann Bubeck [bubeck] DE FLAG Germany 4 19.01.25 14:59 pilot details
213 Sławomir Zawojek [SlawekZ] PL FLAG Poland 1 19.01.25 15:03 pilot details
214 Mariusz Dawidczyk [mardawid] PL FLAG Poland 3 19.01.25 15:24 pilot details
215 Thibault ROLLAND [Titiroll] FR FLAG France 1 19.01.25 15:52 pilot details
216 Diego Salamero [link1974] ES FLAG Spain 2 19.01.25 16:20 pilot details
217 Teemu Isomäki [Teemu.I] FI FLAG Finland 1 19.01.25 17:07 pilot details
218 Maksymilian Mętel [maxmax] PL FLAG Poland 0 19.01.25 17:59 pilot details
219 Pierantonio Carratta [Paul_codio] IT FLAG Italy 0 19.01.25 19:57 pilot details
220 Marco Bagarotto [marcobagarotto] IT FLAG Italy 0 19.01.25 20:16 pilot details
221 Alex Albuquerque Silveira [Alex_Bsb] BR FLAG Brazil 3 19.01.25 22:16 pilot details
222 Ingo Czerny [Ingo] AT FLAG Austria 0 19.01.25 23:50 pilot details
223 Jessica Parth [CitizenJessica] DE FLAG Germany 1 20.01.25 13:16 pilot details
224 Moroni alves [moronialves] BR FLAG Brazil 8 20.01.25 14:11 pilot details
225 Vincenzo Piccolo [Vince89] IT FLAG Italy 2 20.01.25 14:56 pilot details
226 Manfred Schwab [Manfred1] AT FLAG Austria 0 20.01.25 15:11 pilot details
227 Josef Pour [PepaPour] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 20.01.25 16:02 pilot details
228 Romain GOMES [Dirus] FR FLAG France 4 20.01.25 18:36 pilot details
229 Daniel Banszel [Danda136] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 20.01.25 19:41 pilot details
230 Paolo Laera [PaoloLaera] IT FLAG Italy 1 21.01.25 03:59 pilot details
231 Mikolaj Fijalkowski [mikolajkarwia] PL FLAG Poland 2 21.01.25 10:01 pilot details
232 Christophe FORTHOMME [forti] BE FLAG Belgium 2 21.01.25 14:41 pilot details
233 Andrej Legutký [Legutky] SK FLAG Slovakia 1 21.01.25 15:56 pilot details
234 Radek Molenda [RadzikM] PL FLAG Poland 0 21.01.25 19:57 pilot details
235 Gernolt Basse [Gernolt] DE FLAG Germany 0 21.01.25 20:20 pilot details
236 Hennie Brink [Wackymax] ZA FLAG South Africa 1 22.01.25 09:19 pilot details
237 Mantas Vitkus [Reflexion] LT FLAG Lithuania 2 22.01.25 13:29 pilot details
238 Andrea Cecchetto [ACecchetto] IT FLAG Italy 0 22.01.25 15:39 pilot details
239 Peter Weis [Peter13] SK FLAG Slovakia 3 23.01.25 05:37 pilot details
240 Darren Shepley [Shep21] AU FLAG Australia 1 23.01.25 10:46 pilot details
241 Josep Sanromà - PM BCN [Shedir] CT FLAG Catalunya 2 23.01.25 18:55 pilot details
242 Hadi khebredast [hadi_khebre] IR FLAG Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 23.01.25 22:34 pilot details
243 Ricardas Matickas [Ricardas] LT FLAG Lithuania 1 24.01.25 12:51 pilot details
244 Petr Buchta [rcamok] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 2 24.01.25 14:30 pilot details
245 Marco Fasana [MarcoFasana] IT FLAG Italy 1 24.01.25 15:26 pilot details
246 Jan Krátký [jaho] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 25.01.25 02:32 pilot details
247 Roman Kingswell [Romankingswell] GB FLAG United Kingdom 1 25.01.25 12:02 pilot details
248 Jograj Singh [Jograj123] IN FLAG India 0 26.01.25 02:13 pilot details
249 Andrea Balla [andreafalconeto] IT FLAG Italy 0 26.01.25 07:51 pilot details
250 Paulius Dūdonis [Paulius] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 26.01.25 13:07 pilot details
