Paramotors XContest 2025

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Number of pilots in contest: 371

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score registered info
1 Karel Simi [Karel.Simi] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 31.12.24 13:03 pilot details
2 Stefan Ronellenfitsch [ronelles] DE FLAG Germany 0 31.12.24 17:29 pilot details
3 Thomas Brandstetter [custom-paramotors] AT FLAG Austria 1 31.12.24 21:34 pilot details
4 Ahmad DA [AhmadDA] IN FLAG India 24 01.01.25 04:41 pilot details
5 Dinesh Uikey [Dineshpilot] IN FLAG India 135 01.01.25 04:53 pilot details
6 Stefan huysmans [waaihof] BE FLAG Belgium 7 01.01.25 08:38 pilot details
7 Christofer De Backer [Flyxtreme] BE FLAG Belgium 0 01.01.25 09:49 pilot details
8 ANKIT KUMAR GUPTA [Adonis_AK] IN FLAG India 1 01.01.25 10:01 pilot details
9 jonathan restrepo lopez [tatan96lopez] CO FLAG Colombia 354 01.01.25 10:16 pilot details
10 oliver weik [Flightjunkie65] DE FLAG Germany 2 01.01.25 11:54 pilot details
11 Francesco Trozzi [Parapendioitalia] IT FLAG Italy 0 01.01.25 12:55 pilot details
12 Vinay Singh [architectvinay] IN FLAG India 7 01.01.25 13:06 pilot details
13 Thomas Lorenz [ThomasLorenz] DE FLAG Germany 3 01.01.25 13:16 pilot details
14 Massimiliano Gamba [MaxGamba] IT FLAG Italy 5 01.01.25 13:25 pilot details
15 Pamit Yadav [PamitYadav] IN FLAG India 134 01.01.25 13:52 pilot details
16 Senderson Laurido [Dust-Propeller] BR FLAG Brazil 23 01.01.25 14:14 pilot details
17 Samuele Sbarbati [Samuele75] IT FLAG Italy 0 01.01.25 14:47 pilot details
18 Alejandro Salazar [nanoloco77] CO FLAG Colombia 18 01.01.25 15:18 pilot details
19 frederic mallard [drallam] FR FLAG France 3 01.01.25 15:34 pilot details
20 robson silvestre [robson.cabelo] BR FLAG Brazil 5 01.01.25 15:36 pilot details
21 Natalia Moreno Terrell [naty_pacotinho] BR FLAG Brazil 13 01.01.25 15:50 pilot details
22 Giuseppe Sigismondi [capopino] IT FLAG Italy 3 01.01.25 17:02 pilot details
23 Lamberet Remi [RemiL] FR FLAG France 0 01.01.25 17:33 pilot details
24 Thomas Eichinger [Domas] AT FLAG Austria 1 01.01.25 17:55 pilot details
25 Algirdas Augulis [algisa] LT FLAG Lithuania 0 01.01.25 20:57 pilot details
26 Jacek Chłopkowski [serpo] PL FLAG Poland 4 01.01.25 21:02 pilot details
27 Marco Rosini [Marcus68] IT FLAG Italy 0 01.01.25 21:32 pilot details
28 József Kovács [Kjoci] HU FLAG Hungary 1 01.01.25 22:11 pilot details
29 Eduardo Bindi [EduPPG] BR FLAG Brazil 22 02.01.25 01:04 pilot details
30 Damian Grabowski [kosma90] PL FLAG Poland 3 02.01.25 02:43 pilot details
31 Greg McCann [GMcCann91] GB FLAG United Kingdom 7 02.01.25 04:12 pilot details
32 Mauri Kukkonen [Mauku] FI FLAG Finland 4 02.01.25 04:39 pilot details
33 Michel Roy [Mlavie] CA FLAG Canada 8 02.01.25 05:03 pilot details
34 Peter Gutschi [tschipeto] AT FLAG Austria 0 02.01.25 09:30 pilot details
35 Lino Chiarella [Lino] IT FLAG Italy 2 02.01.25 09:31 pilot details
36 David Bodecchi [boda] IT FLAG Italy 0 02.01.25 09:41 pilot details
37 klaus angerer [klang] AT FLAG Austria 0 02.01.25 09:56 pilot details
38 Štěpán Vincker [Vinc] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 2 02.01.25 10:24 pilot details
39 Theo Engel [Bunky] FR FLAG France 1 02.01.25 10:36 pilot details
40 Leandro Ciammaichella [leandroginbo3] IT FLAG Italy 1 02.01.25 10:48 pilot details
41 Marco Brugnolli [marco.brugnolli] IT FLAG Italy 0 02.01.25 10:48 pilot details
42 damien vuillecard [500aglparamotor] FR FLAG France 1 02.01.25 11:34 pilot details
43 Nils von Samson [NilsvS] DE FLAG Germany 0 02.01.25 11:51 pilot details
44 Sandro Passeri [SandroPasseri] IT FLAG Italy 2 02.01.25 11:51 pilot details
45 Jörg Claußen [Powertrike] DE FLAG Germany 11 02.01.25 12:04 pilot details
46 Marcel Nehring [MarcelNehring] DE FLAG Germany 1 02.01.25 13:47 pilot details
47 Emil Pavlov [Flight-time] BG FLAG Bulgaria 1 02.01.25 13:56 pilot details
48 Aurelio Tonchei [paratonky] IT FLAG Italy 19 02.01.25 15:08 pilot details
49 Áron Nyíri [aeronn] HU FLAG Hungary 2 02.01.25 15:41 pilot details
50 Vladimír Horák [Horak] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 02.01.25 16:30 pilot details
