Paramotors XContest 2021

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Národní týmy

Počet skórujících zemí: 52

  1. Germany
    DE 21653.88 b.
  2. France
    FR 18296.22 b.
  3. Czech Republic
    CZ 15323.00 b.
  4. Slovakia
    SK 14234.12 b.
  5. Lithuania
    LT 12879.12 b.
  6. Poland
    PL 12422.00 b.
  7. Austria
    AT 11447.48 b.
  8. Italy
    IT 10458.64 b.
  9. United Kingdom
    GB 10398.41 b.
  10. Brazil
    BR 9782.70 b.
  11. Netherlands
    NL 9357.39 b.
  12. Sweden
    SE 9235.45 b.
  13. Latvia
    LV 9133.05 b.
  14. Spain
    ES 9075.44 b.
  15. Canada
    CA 8992.80 b.
  16. United States
    US 8790.08 b.
  17. Hungary
    HU 8737.44 b.
  18. Finland
    FI 8678.00 b.
  19. New Zealand
    NZ 8438.57 b.
  20. Catalunya
    CT 7006.42 b.
  21. Norway
    NO 6354.50 b.
  22. Belgium
    BE 5159.34 b.
  23. Ireland
    IE 4854.68 b.
  24. Australia
    AU 3715.88 b.
  25. Portugal
    PT 2037.08 b.
  26. Denmark
    DK 1637.93 b.
  27. Russian Federation
    RU 1479.53 b.
  28. Colombia
    CO 1162.76 b.
  29. Romania
    RO 1034.57 b.
  30. Greece
    GR 1019.20 b.
  31. South Africa
    ZA 948.20 b.
  32. Slovenia
    SI 850.68 b.
  33. Paraguay
    PY 557.44 b.
  34. Basque Country
    PV 517.78 b.
  35. Argentina
    AR 375.52 b.
  36. Saudi Arabia
    SA 356.74 b.
  37. Switzerland
    CH 349.44 b.
  38. Moldova, Republic of
    MD 333.47 b.
  39. Croatia
    HR 196.39 b.
  40. India
    IN 99.23 b.
  41. Chile
    CL 88.04 b.
  42. Bulgaria
    BG 74.16 b.
  43. Viet Nam
    VN 64.92 b.
  44. Ukraine
    UA 55.87 b.
  45. Mexico
    MX 53.83 b.
  46. Guatemala
    GT 35.51 b.
  47. Peru
    PE 33.34 b.
  48. China
    CN 26.31 b.
  49. Luxembourg
    LU 15.12 b.

Hlavní partneři:

 logo Paramotor Germany
